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Join date: Jun 2, 2022


Incorporate markups directly into your designs. Create complete, detailed design environments, and use existing auto-routing technology to automatically create paths. (video: 7:30 min.)Data Control:New data control options make it easy to create new or transform existing entities within your drawings. (video: 6:50 min.)Scripts:Revise your scripts to automate repetitive tasks, quickly check variables, and more. (video: 1:22 min.)For more information on features in AutoCAD 2023, see the What’s New in AutoCAD 2023 article.A new Quick Access panel has been added to the top toolbar. A single click on any drawing in the Draw panel will open a new Quick Access window showing the drawing’s name, coordinate system, and drawing properties. If the drawing is a block or template, this also displays the name of the file and associated drawing properties, such as the workplane color.A new icon has been added to the View Options panel. This panel appears in all views (except Map and Navigation). The icon depicts the level of selection or grayscale used to display and highlight objects on the drawing canvas. The icon is shown in the top left corner of the View Options panel. You can customize the setting in the Tools Options dialog box.The AcDbGrid extension has been updated to include improved Quick Find and Quick Reposition commands. The Quick Find command now allows you to specify an exact distance or area to search, and includes a Preview button. This feature is similar to other common searching tools found in applications such as Word and Excel.The Support Tab in the Tools Options dialog box has been expanded. You can now add icons to represent both the built-in ( ) and external (–) tools. For example, you can add to the the Support Tab the Icons.AddToMap tool that you can use to add lines or circles to the map.Support for the Vee-Tee product has been enhanced. You can now specify the relative position of the Vee-Tee process. To accomplish this, draw an arrow using the Push/Pull tool and then pull the end of the arrow to specify the Vee-Tee process.You can now display information in the Build menu (Block Editor and Modeling) in the same way you see it in the Workplane/Coordinate Options 2be273e24d

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