Find new and important information about administration of the COVID-19 vaccine for kids 12+ using THIS LINK.
Additionally, the Indiana State Department of Health and INAAP have put together a provider toolkit to give you everything you need to be successful. Below are several resources for you to use!
IDOH Point of Care Vaccine Playbook that outlines the process for primary care providers in Indiana to order vaccine directly for in office patient administration
COVID-19 vaccine posters to display in waiting rooms and exam rooms
Post-vaccination palm cards (English and Spanish) to give patients after administering the vaccine
Vaccine Hesitancy Information: Includes sample communication, tips and other resources
COVID-19 Vaccine Guidance Tool for Patient Inquiries with FAQs and other ideas to help promote vaccination and combat hesitancy.
Fact sheet that explains the effectiveness and benefits of vaccination.
Fact Sheet for 12-15 year olds to encourage vaccination and explain the benefits
Fact Sheet for older teens to explain the benefits of vaccination