Frequently Asked Questions or FAQs
Have a question? Review our frequently asked questions and responses to see if we can answer it for you!
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need additional assistance.

1 What are the age requirements for this program?
The CARE Program and CARE Line serve children and adolescents of all ages.
2 Who connects families with mental health services?
Our CARE Program family navigators are trained to connect clients and families to mental health services.
3 How do the CARE Program family navigators identify potential mental health providers?
The CARE program maintains a database of mental health providers that is updated regularly. This database was developed from multiple sources such as community mental health centers, both local and state mental health organizations, and local hospital networks.
Our mental health provider database includes:
New patient appointments and estimated wait times
Provider specialties and types of treatment available
Medical insurance accepted and other forms of payment
4 How do families access the CARE Program?
Families can be referred to the CARE Program by their primary care provider
Legal guardians can enroll their child directly by calling the CARE Line at 888-495-7271 or by completing the CARE Program Intake form
Children and adolescents can also be referred to the program by any adult that identifies the need for mental health support
- This includes (but is not limited to) school staff, family members, community supports, coaches, etc.
- Those wishing to refer can:
​ 1) Call the CARE Line at 888-495-7271
2) Or complete the CARE Program Intake form
*CARE Program participation is ultimately at the discretion of the referred child's legal guardian*
5 What can families expect?
Once a referral has been made, a CARE Program family navigator will call you to discuss your child's/adolescent's needs and the mental health services that could be beneficial
Family navigators will then identify the mental health providers in your area and match your child to the providers that have the potential to meet your family’s needs
Families will receive a referral letter from the family navigator that contains the contact information for these mental health providers. Your primary care provider can receive a copy of this referral letter as well.
Families use the referral letter to choose the mental health provider that is best for them
After the family receives their referral letter, a family navigator will reach out to confirm that they were able to schedule an appointment with their chosen provider
Family navigators will assist the family in addressing barriers and identifying other providers if needed
6 What can primary care providers expect from the CARE Program?
A copy of their patient's mental health provider referral, as long as the legal guardian has signed the CARE Program's release of information (ROI) form
This letter will be provided via email or fax by one of our family navigators
A follow-up email or fax from a family navigator with client referral status and feedback